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The Remembry is the solution to the riddle of a memory-horizon far more limited than the human lifespan. It is accessed through six Wells, one at the diastole of each of the Six Orbits of Space. The circular Well is set into the ground, surrounded by a waterrise, accessed through its corresponding chapel, and lies directly beneath its corresponding Rose Window.

The Remembry is a fluid tissue, much like human blood but much less viscous, whose origins are uncertain. It may or may not have a life of its own. What is certain is that, when imbibed, it provokes vivid memory-experiences of events long ago left behind by the ever forward-moving memory window. The Remembry speaks in the language of iconography. The memory-experiences it provokes iconize actual events in the past life of the suppliant, rather than playing back actual events as they happened. Thus the suppliant is gifted a distillation of the meaning of the experience itself.

The experiences provoked by drinking of the Remembry can be traumatic. Sometimes the Shattering is experienced, which is when many copies of oneself are experienced as having an independent existence, as if there are humans apart from yourselves. Extreme care is therefore urged in the use of the Remembry. Though its use has been prescribed by Talon for the purpose of the maintenance of Human Nature, He recognizes the danger of delusion which attends every sip of the Remembry’s waters.

A waterrise is where all the water for each of the Six Orbits of Space is collected at the perimeter of the Well of the Remembry, and flows upward toward the Rose Window above.