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Iconography is the [[techne]] by which that which is otherwise ungraspable by Human faculties is made graspable. Iconography is the techne of [[Thing]]-making from [[nonThings]], for the purpose of their use in [[Work]] whose only proper object can only ever be a Thing. For example, space is rendered as the [[Six Orbits of Space]], physical structures which can be directly studied and acted upon.
The defining characteristic of an icon is that what can be said of its ''protos,'' the Thing being iconized, may be said of the icon as well, in every respect that is essential. Thus for instance, we can know, from the structure of the Six Orbits of Space, that space itself is a three dimensional figure Icons may be made by [[Talon]] or by the [[Humans]]. The techne of iconography is one of Talon’s gifts to [[Humanity]].