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Six Orbits of Time

35 bytes added, 08:36, 4 March 2018
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The Six Orbits of Time are collectively the [[icon]] of [[Time]]. Each Orbit iconizes the two faces of timeTime: time Time as that which returnsThat Which Returns, or the Six Scales of Time, ascending from the Planck Time at the First Orbit of Time, to the Vast Year at the Sixth Orbit of Time; and time Time as that which move forwardThat Which Moves Forward, or the Six Ages of Time.
The Six Ages are the different phases the [[Vast]] has gone through. We are currently in the latter part of the Sixth Age. The Six Ages are == Time as follows:That Which Returns ==
* The Six Scales of Time are... == Time as That Which Moves Forward == The Six Ages of Time are the different eras the [[Vast]] has gone through. We are currently in the latter part of the Sixth Age. The Six Ages are as follows: # Age of [[Light]]* # Age of [[Water]]* # Age of Land and [[Plants]]* # Age of [[Stars]]* # Age of Water [[Swimming Life]] and [[Flying Life]]* # Age of Animals and [[Humanity]]