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Six Orbits of Space

405 bytes added, 16:56, 6 March 2018
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The Six Orbits of Space are collectively the [[icon]] of [[space]]. They are where you live and furnish yourselves with the [[Work]]. They are the halls of [[Anesidore]], and they mirror the [[Six Orbits of Time]], which similarly thread the [[Vast]].
At their [[systole]], the Six Orbits of Space in cross-section are uniformly [[tenspan]] high and tenspan wide, and at their [[diastole]] the Six Orbits of Space are uniformly [[hundredspan]] high and hundredspan wide.
At their systole, the Orbits connect to the [[Red Garden]], and at their diastole they contain the wells of the [[Remembry]] and the [[Rose Windows]]. The Six Orbits of Space are numbered, named, and colored thusly: # Adrestia: White# Ariadne: Yellow# Aletheia: Orange# Artemis: Red# Athena: Brown# Aphrodite: Black The properties of each Orbit are summarized as follows: Adrestia, white fire that leaps the hearth with feet of fate and face of fire,With golden gaze you weaponizeAll my love. And all my love is asnothing. Only nothing resists you,so I become nothing to you.

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