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Six Orbits of Time

56 bytes added, 09:56, 5 March 2018
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The Six Orbits of Time are collectively the [[icon]] of [[time]]. Timeis what allows for [[change]] in [[the Vast]]. Each Orbit iconizes the two faces of Timetime: Time as That Which Returns, or the Six Scales of Time; and Time as That Which Moves Forward, or the Six Ages of Time.
== The Six Scales of Time ==
(Time as That Which Returns)
# Dot Time: this is the smallest increment of time, defined as the smallest amount of time required for any change to take place.
== The Six Ages of Time ==
(Time as That Which Moves Forward)
The Six Ages of Time are the different eras the [[Vast]] has gone through. We are currently in the latter part of the Sixth Age. The Six Ages are as follows:

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